Sunday, June 17, 2012

Many lessons have been learned from this week's lessons.  First, I have always believed that teachers must never stop learning and the readings this week only emphasized that fact. I think that is one reason I love technology so much, log on to your computer, go to the internet and there is always something new to learn about using technology in education.

Second, I have learned that learning doesn't stop with teachers.  Everyone in the district from the superintendent all the way down through every employee must always strive to learn something new.  The students in the district depend on this!

Finally, I realize that I am really just beginning this exploration and that I look forward to this adventure.  I find myself thinking in different ways and making decisions differently. 

Stay tuned for the trip!


  1. Hi Elizabeth! I am also a Tech integration specialist however our district will not hire a full time TIS so there are 7 of us in the district that teach full time and receive a small (and I do mean small) stipend to to this! I look forward to following your blog to compare our research.

    1. Hi Dawn! I used to be a campus technology integration teacher at a junior high school. I will be starting my 4th year in this position and absolutely love every minute! It is amazing to work with the entire district, helping teachers integrate technology in thier classes. I as a result work with all the students in the district. I am a very lucky geek!
