Sunday, June 10, 2012

Action Research

In repsonse to my first assignment for Lamar Class Ed5301 I am required to write a description of what I have learned about action research and how I will use it. 

I have learned that action research makes sense and is what my district has been doing for sometime.  It is simply another "name".  What is it?  Identifying an issue that is relevant to the district, the campus, or the classroom.  Then developing the solution based upon that.  Instead of just applying someone's research and ideas to ours and hoping it fits. 

Action research makes much more sense! How can we as educators and administrators apply some one's solution to our individual problem and expect it to solve the issue?  Isn't it funny that in years past that was exactly what was done and we wondered why the problems weren't fixed!

Are we perfect now that we understand action research?  No, but by understanding that we must meet the needs and problems that are ours, not someone's, we can not only have more successful students but more successful teachers and administrators. 

We are finally on the right road and headed in the right direction.  Let's keep this moving and achieving!

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