Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week 3 – EDLD 5301 Research – Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template 

Goal: To find if there is a correlation between the use of BYOT/BYOD in the secondary classroom and student engagement, student passing rates and behavior referrals from inappropriate use of BYOT/BYOD.

Action Steps(s): 

Person(s) Responsible: 

Timeline: Start/End 

Needed Resources 


Student Engagement – various class lessons using BYOT/BYOD throughout the year with at least one per week. I will provide teachers with lesson planning assistance and online resources that can be used with their students.








Classroom Teachers




Start: August 27, 2012


End: May 30, 2013

Engagement Meters appropriate for class

Online poll for students to record engagement using

Teacher use of engagement meters and anonymous online surveys using

Teachers will submit to me results of engagement meters via email to be charted for comparison.


Student Passing Rates








Start: August 27, 2012


End: May 30, 2013

Online Grade Book to pull passing reports

Grades will be compared to classes where BYOT/BYOD was not implemented for comparison.



Behavior Referrals









Start: August 27, 2012


End: May 30, 2013

Referral Programs which are part of the grade book program

Pull reports for teachers using BYOT/BYOD and compare to previous year and other classes where BYOT/BYOD was not implemented.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Many lessons have been learned from this week's lessons.  First, I have always believed that teachers must never stop learning and the readings this week only emphasized that fact. I think that is one reason I love technology so much, log on to your computer, go to the internet and there is always something new to learn about using technology in education.

Second, I have learned that learning doesn't stop with teachers.  Everyone in the district from the superintendent all the way down through every employee must always strive to learn something new.  The students in the district depend on this!

Finally, I realize that I am really just beginning this exploration and that I look forward to this adventure.  I find myself thinking in different ways and making decisions differently. 

Stay tuned for the trip!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

How Educational Leaders Might Use Blogs!

How might educational leaders use blogs?  My answer to this is "as many ways as the number of blog posts they read!"  I think it is essential in this time we live in to follow and read numerous blogs. 

I love sharing the story of when I first wanted to follow and read a blog at school.  At that time the word "blog" was a nasty, dirty word!  They were all blocked on the district network.  Unbelievable to even think that would happen isn't it?  

I had become a member of the Discovery Educator Network and wanted to follow and respond to several Discovery blogs.  I couldn't so I talked with my building principal and found out I would have to go through several channels to get this approved.  This was the requirement:  I requested the blog to be unblocked by my principal.  He sent the request to the technology coordinator who sent it to his boss the finance director.   The finance director sent it to the superintendent!  He then reviewed it and approved it.  He sent an email back to the financial director who sent it to the technology coordinator who sent it to my principal who sent it back to me.  Did I loose you?  Probably because it was insane!

Luckily, this is no longer the situation and everyone in the district to blogs.  I can think of no other PLC that can have as great of effect on educators!  I love seeing, reading and learning about what others are doing and what works for them.  We are lucky that educators as a whole LOVE to share!

To take this further I think it would be wonderful if blogs became required and that following several was also required for all employees.  I know that as an educator I never stop learning and and am always searching for what is new and works!  Everyone should do the same!

Action Research

In repsonse to my first assignment for Lamar Class Ed5301 I am required to write a description of what I have learned about action research and how I will use it. 

I have learned that action research makes sense and is what my district has been doing for sometime.  It is simply another "name".  What is it?  Identifying an issue that is relevant to the district, the campus, or the classroom.  Then developing the solution based upon that.  Instead of just applying someone's research and ideas to ours and hoping it fits. 

Action research makes much more sense! How can we as educators and administrators apply some one's solution to our individual problem and expect it to solve the issue?  Isn't it funny that in years past that was exactly what was done and we wondered why the problems weren't fixed!

Are we perfect now that we understand action research?  No, but by understanding that we must meet the needs and problems that are ours, not someone's, we can not only have more successful students but more successful teachers and administrators. 

We are finally on the right road and headed in the right direction.  Let's keep this moving and achieving!