I have been teaching with technology for over 10 years. I didn't have access to materials like I was exposed to this week and had to research, attend workshops and scour the internet for ideas. I think since I started teachers are much better prepared to use technology in their classrooms due to the availability of materials that show them how, the actual technology itself and the desire to use technology with their students.
In 1999 I was put into a technology classroom to figure it out on my own! There were no inservices to give me ideas, no textbooks available, and I didn't even have a projector to demonstrate to the students. As the years have gone by there have been many changes in our district and many others as well. All the teachers in our district now have projectors, SMARTboards, laptops, and iPads for use in their classrooms. On top of that they have many training opportunities that show them how to incorporate those and other technology in their classroom.
Since I am the Instructional Technology Specialist for our district I have the pleasure of working with the teachers and am out in the classrooms seeing technology used. I see students enjoying the technology and creating awesome technology projects that just a few years ago we would have never dreamed about.
I particularly enjoyed the two videos this from Luis and Cameron. I see in them the future of education. I see 2 students that love what they are doing and incorporate it not only into their school but home. I see that because of them teachers are realizing that using multimedia isn't hard. If students Cameron's age and younger can create videos other students can as well. I know that many of our campuses have flip cameras and teachers are using them in class having students create video projects. In the past year we have created a "share server" where students can download their video to so the group can have access to the material. As part of my job I have made teachers aware of various free websites where they and their students can build their video. I have taught teachers about PhotoStory, MovieMaker, Animoto, Xtranormal, Slideroll and many others. I see teachers using video projects all the time and the students are just like Luis and Cameron - they love it! I think the 2 books that had reading assignments are good resources although I think some of the material in Web 2.0 new tools, new schools is a little dated.
I have seen technology change education dramatically in the last 10 years and see it moving at an incredibly fast past! I don't see technology going away I see teachers quickly adapting, using technology daily and more than ever students are engaged in their lessons. I see students with technology at home bringing it into the classroom. One great example of a teacher using technology was our AP World History summer assignment this year. The teacher assigned a book and a group of students were then to create a 10 minute video over the book. I personally witnessed a group of young men working on their video because I have the video cameras and the students shot their video at my house including my own son. I saw students engaged in meaningful dialog regarding the material and how to best re-create the concept in film. I saw them work collaboratively and create a movie that was worthy of a an A. Did they learn the material? You bet they did. In speaking with them regarding the assignment they were all excited and really enjoyed it.
I'm guilty of loving technology and wish every teacher would embrace it with their classrooms. Not all do and I think it will take a few more years to see every single teacher at the point they feel comfortable. My goal is to work with those teachers having difficulty and make it easier for the sake of the students!
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