Sunday, September 30, 2012

EDLD 5364 Teaching With Technology Final Reflection

It has been a wonderful 5 weeks in EDLD5364. I can't believe we are at the end of this class already. To be honest the time has flown by. I feel that this has been a very interesting class and must admit what I thought the class would be and what the class actually was are entirely two different things.


As an Instructional Technology Specialist I have to admit my attitude was a little "cocky" in that I believed I was already Teaching with Technology and had for years. What I didn't realize was the importance of technology in meeting the needs of all learners. It isn't just a tool to use with a product as the ultimate result. It is so much more!


Current educators are faced with being able to differentiate for students with different learning styles and different abilities more than ever. Students are no longer segregated into classes because of learning abilities or levels. It is truly possible you could have students with many different issues.


I now feel that my job will take on an entirely new direction. As the Instructional Technology Specialist in my district I now see a whole new set of goals and responsibilities. I must find ways for teachers to use technology to meet the needs of all their students. I must encourage them and show them tools that are available to help them and be on call to assist them in that new direction. I must also always be on the lookout for technology to meet those goals.


Because of EDLD5364 I truly believe that doing my job will not only be harder but easier. It will be harder because the need to find the appropriate tools is much more important to me and easier because I truly understand the direction I must take.



Sunday, September 23, 2012

EDLD 5364 Teaching with Technology - Week 4 Reflection

This has been a very interesting week technologically speaking.  I have enjoyed the readings and videos this week but struggled with technology on the work side.  We have experienced the down side of technology in schools with loosing our filter. That lead to the Internet being down not only for teachers, staff but students as well.   The timing of that was interesting at least.

When we as technology educators loose our "lifeline" aka the Internet we are at a loss.  I use the Internet for just about everything I do with my job and my own personal school.  It was quite interesting to go almost 2 days with little or no Internet connectivity. It made me really appreciate using the Internet in class.

This brought to mind the video "Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts" where Vicki Davis was interviewed.  She states "I believe every student can learn. Every child can learn. But where children have trouble is when you have only paper and only pencil then only certain types of children are going to succeed."  A light really went on in my head hearing her say this.  Quite frankly I was a teacher long before classrooms had computers and the Internet and always thought every child could learn with paper and pencil.  I realized how far we have come in helping ALL students succeed and be successful in school.  Technology is not just there to enhance learning it is there for learning and making sure that every child learns in the way that is best for them. 

I believe that look on technology in education has grown through this course.  I now see many ways that I can help teachers in my district make sure that every child succeeds and many ways that I can show them to make sure technology is a helper for all students.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

EDLD5364 Teaching with Technology Lesson Plan Reflection

This week's lesson was very intensive!  There not only was much material to be read and viewed but created as well.  Through this process I have learned new things that I will be able to share with the teachers in our district.  I have found the CAST websites to be incredible and resources that every current teacher can and should utilize. 

I know that it has been a tiring week and here at 8pm on Sunday night I am still finding things to do! 
Here are my lesson plans for our group UDL
Universal Design for Learning Lesson Plan
Teacher(s): Elizabeth Hamilton Date: 1st 6 Weeks - Week 4 Subject: 9th Grade English 1
Materials Needed: Make sure you have all of your materials collected and organized so
your lesson will flow smoothly. If you are presenting this lesson collaboratively, make sure you know who is responsible for what.
1. Computers for all students (30) with Internet Access, computers need to be loaded with Screenreader software to meet needs of various students
2. Projector
3. SMARTboard and Notebook software
4. Access to Websites:;,
5. Print out of all essays for every student
6. Build ebook using:
7. eBook:

Lesson Objective(s): State your objectives behaviorally. For example: Given (state the condition under which the
students will perform the objective), the students will (state an observable student behavior) with (state the criteria here –
a statement that specifies how well the student must perform the behavior) accuracy. An example of a behavioral objective
is: Given an unlabeled diagram of the solar system, the students will label the nine planets and the sun with 80% accuracy.
Students will publish final essays to a collaborative Google Site. Students will be divided into 10 groups of 3 for reflection. The students will use the HOTS method of reflection critique giving constructive feedback to fellow students. Students will be given class time for final revision of essay following critiques. Students will create an eBook using Cast Bookbuilder.

Standard/Benchmark/Indicator: Are you aligning your lesson with district or state standards?
ISTE NETS-1-a&b, 2-b, 3-c, 5-a&b, 6-a&b TEKS: 13D, 13E


Anticipatory Set: How are you going to motivate your students…assess or review prior knowledge…
introduce your topic…organize your lesson for students?
Students brainstorm using online graphic organizer Pinball uses for google docs.

Multiple Means of Representation: How are you going to present your content so that it meets the
needs of all students…is the information represented in different ways? For example, utilizing guided notes and graphic
organizers in addition to a lecture format or having several books that represent different reading levels.
Content will be represented using graphic organizers and after developing they will be printed for students to retain.

Multiple Means of Engagement: How are you going to provide multiple pathways for students to actually
learn the material presented? Practice, or active mental/physical engagement, is required by students to make real learning
happen. For example, some students may benefit from small group learning opportunities; others may require more focused
practice with precise feedback, while others might benefit from working independently. Some students will need to write,
others will need to talk through ideas before they understand, while others may need to physically represent what they are learning.
Students can access the group essays either on the group google site or through the printout. They will use google docs to create their critique and share with team members.

Multiple Means of Expression: How will students demonstrate what they have learned? Again, the creation
of many paths is key. Some students are good test-takers, while others are not. Tiered assignments, oral exams, building a model,
making a video, using portfolio assessment are examples of alternatives to traditional paper/pencil tests.
Students will publish their final essays to their collaborative Google Site. Students will be randomly grouped using the Random Generator in the SMART Notebook for critiquing using the HOTS method of reflection critique giving constructive feedback. Final writing will be turned into an eBook using CAST’s UDL Book Builder site.

Anticipatory Set: How are you going to motivate your students…assess or review prior knowledge…
introduce your topic…organize your lesson for students?
Question to students "Have you ever read a book onine?"
Students will be shown an eBook from CAST UDL Book builder site.

Provide Guided Practice:
Teacher will demonstrate creating an eBook using CAST UDL Book Builder. Students will also be provided with oral and printed directions.

Multiple Means of Representation: How are you going to present your content so that it meets the needs
of all students…is the information represented in different ways? For example, utilizing guided notes and graphic
organizers in addition to a lecture format or having several books that represent different reading levels.
eBook presents material visually and with sound.

Multiple Means of Engagement: How are you going to provide multiple pathways for students to actually
learn the material presented? Practice, or active mental/physical engagement, is required by students to make real learning
happen. For example, some students may benefit from small group learning opportunities; others may require more focused
practice with precise feedback, while others might benefit from working independently. Some students will need to write,
others will need to talk through ideas before they understand, while others may need to physically represent what they are learning.
Students will be placed in groups for collaborative critique, they will use computers and websites to upload their essays, and use a website to create an eBook.

Multiple Means of Expression: How will students demonstrate what they have learned? Again, the creation
of many paths is key. Some students are good test-takers, while others are not. Tiered assignments, oral exams,
building a model, making a video, using portfolio assessment are examples of alternatives to traditional paper/pencil tests.
Students will post their document to the class Google Site.
Students will create an eBook using CAST UDL Book Builder.

EDLD5364 - Teaching With Technology Post Web Conference Reflectioin

I wanted reflect upon the Week 3 Web Conference that was held Wednesday, September 12, 2012.  I realize that  this isn't in order but none the less important.

I was finally able to attend the weekly webinar.  I have been so busy with my work schedule that I simply was unable to attend.  These first three weeks have been without a doubt the busiest ever in my 25 years in education.  Although I am not directly involved with any new technology roll out I seem to be busier than ever.  We have added iPads in the district and I am always fielding questions about them although I am not directly over them the teachers depend upon me for answers. 

I enjoyed the webinar and found the information practical and useful.  Most of the time was spent going over semantics of submitting assignments and uploading to TK20.  I did enjoy hearing Prof. Borel who is incredible supportive and available to her students.

I have amazed with all of the professors in this program at Lamar and their openness to their students.  They provide contact information that even include cell phone numbers in case you have questions!  I don't remember anything like that when I was in under graduate college (but cellphones didn't exist in the dark ages of the 70's). 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

CAST UDL Book Builder - Book for EDLD5364

One of the assignments for this week was to use the CAST UDL Book Builder and build a book online.  This is a great site and I plan on sharing it with all the teachers in Azle ISD.  I think there are many that would enjoy using this tool as another way to use technology to reach students.

Go check out my book:  Internet Safety for Teens

EDLD5364 Teaching With Technology - Week 3 Post

I have been teaching with technology for over 10 years.  I didn't have access to materials like I was exposed to this week and had to research, attend workshops and scour the internet for ideas.  I think since I started teachers are much better prepared to use technology in their classrooms due to the availability of materials that show them how, the actual technology itself and the desire to use technology with their students.

In 1999 I was put into a technology classroom to figure it out on my own!  There were no inservices to give me ideas, no textbooks  available, and I didn't even have a projector to demonstrate to the students.  As the years have gone by there have been many changes in our district and many others as well.  All the teachers in our district now have projectors, SMARTboards, laptops, and iPads for use in their classrooms.  On top of that they have many training opportunities that show them how to incorporate those and other technology in their classroom.

Since I am the Instructional Technology Specialist for our district I have the pleasure of working with the teachers and am out in the classrooms seeing technology used.  I see students enjoying the technology and creating awesome technology projects that just a few years ago we would have never dreamed about. 

I particularly enjoyed the two videos this from Luis and Cameron.  I see in them the future of education.  I see 2 students that love what they are doing and incorporate it not only into their school but home.  I see that because of them teachers are realizing that using multimedia isn't hard.  If students Cameron's age and younger can create videos other students can as well.  I know that many of our campuses have flip cameras and teachers are using them in class having students create video projects. In the past year we have created a "share server" where students can download their video to so the group can have access to the material.  As part of my job I have made teachers aware of various free websites where they and their students can build their video.  I have taught teachers about PhotoStory, MovieMaker, Animoto, Xtranormal, Slideroll and many others.  I see teachers using video projects all the time and the students are just like Luis and Cameron - they love it!  I think the 2 books that had reading assignments are good resources although I think some of the material in  Web 2.0 new tools, new schools is a little dated. 

I have seen technology change education dramatically in the last 10 years and see it moving at an incredibly fast past!  I don't see technology going away I see teachers quickly adapting, using technology daily and more than ever students are engaged in their lessons.  I see students with technology at home bringing it into the classroom.   One great example of a teacher using technology was our AP World History summer assignment this year.  The teacher assigned a book and a group of students were then to create a 10 minute video over the book.  I personally witnessed a group of young men working on their video because I have the video cameras and the students shot their video at my house including my own son.  I saw students engaged in meaningful dialog regarding the material and how to best re-create the concept in film.  I saw them work collaboratively and create a movie that was worthy of a an A.  Did they learn the material?  You bet they did.  In speaking with them regarding the assignment they were all excited and really enjoyed it. 

I'm guilty of loving technology and wish every teacher would embrace it with their classrooms.  Not all do and I think it will take a few more years to see every single teacher at the point they feel comfortable.  My goal is to work with those teachers having difficulty and make it easier for the sake of the students!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

EDLD5364 - Teaching With Technology - Week 2 Post

This week has been a week of confirmation for me.  I have learned that I am not alone in believing that technology makes a difference in education.  I have read articles by educators that have echoed my thoughts.  I have watched videos that showed me that no matter your learning style or your capabilities technology can benefit your education. 

I love technology!  I'm the person that is lost without being attached to something be it my laptop, iPad or smart phone.  I love learning about what is new in technology and am fascinated with the digital natives in our schools. 

I love that technology can make differences in how and what students learn.  I love that technology is available for ALL students no matter where they come from, how they learn, or what their capabilities are.  I love the confirmation that technology can make a students have better self esteem. 

I love that I am part of technology and making a difference in students lives. 

The materials this week were awesome and hopefully everyone in this class feels the same.  All I can say is hold on---this technology ride is getting ready to explode with devices, apps, and cool new things!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

EDLD5364 - Teaching with Technology Week 1 Reflection

Constructivism, Connectivism and Cyborg learning theories O my!  I really understand how constructivism and connectivism work in education and will continue to work in education for a long time.

In constructivism the theory suggest that we never learn anything from scratch and that all ideas stem from something that is already in your brain.  This builds or constructs the framework. I don't believe this will ever go away, maybe change but will always be involved in learning.  It is obvious. 

Connectivism has also been around when we really think about it for a long time as well.  People have always been connected and learning from others has always occurred.  But, now with computers, wide world web, smartphones, Skype, and many other technologies we are more connected than ever!  With Facebook we are making connections with people we haven't seen in a long time.  No more are the days of learning about happenings in another part of the world and important part of the evening news.  We know almost instantly when something happens around the world due to technology.  This connectivisim I believe will only increase.  We now have teachers using Skype in the classroom to reach other classrooms live via webcams.  Fifty years ago the only way to connect to a classroom would have been via the mail and it took weeks to receive letters. 

The Cyborg Learning theory really scares me right now.  Will it in the future?  I can't answer.  I am a true believer in the advances of technology and education.  I like that technology can save a person's life when a pacemaker is implanted.  But, I don't know if I'm ready for a chip to be implanted that will know when I approach a building and open the door for me.  I don't know if people in general are ready for that either.

I do know that as educators we are working during an incredibly fascinating world right now.  I love the advances in technology that allow me to work from my computer basically anywhere.  I love that I can communicate with someone many miles away via a text message and even send them a picture if I want.  I know that students in the classroom are the same way.  They cannot be away from their technology so it is important that we as educators embrace every type of technology that we can to help our students learn.