Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week 1 assignment 1.2- EDLD5366 - ET8047

In Week 1 assignment for EDLD5366-Digital Graphics and Web Design we are to investigate an ancient manuscript and books.  This is to give us insight into the history of graphic communication and how the principles of design were used in early manuscripts. 

I went to the British Library online and actually looked at the following:  Bible from Ethiopia, Lisbon Hebrew Bible, Baybars' magnificent Qu'ran, and Outstanding 15th-century church book.  I wanted to view them all and found each to be extremely fascinating but will focus this assignment on only one -the Lisbon Hebrew Bible.  It is viewable at:

At first glance the beautiful and elaborate cover is visually appealing.  I believe the use of gold signifies the importance of the book.  The cover also uses the design qualities of contrast, alignment and repetition.  The use of the the Star of David in the corners of the cover, the inside corners of the rectangle and in the center are use of repetition as well as the circular design.  Alignment is represented on the cover through the use of lines and the centering of the Star of David. 

Throughout this book you will find the four design principles used.  The use of color for contrast is used in the actual text - gold against a white velum background is one and another is the use of a red background with gold text indicating important text.  On pages 2 and 3 you will see an elaborate border with features that are carried throughout the book resulting in repetition-use of color, design features, shapes and flowers.  Alignment is represented throughout the book with text being inside decorative rectangular areas and later in the book the text is aligned in columns separated by the use of variations of the design from pages 2 and 3.  The representation of proximity is evident throughout the book as well.  Information is well organized, not crowded and visually appealing.  Pages included well spaced text with elements throughout that belong together.

The study of these beautiful manuscripts is very enlightening.  I don't know if these were written with the four principles in mind but they do meet these qualifications.  I find it fascinating that we can find these principles throughout history and that we still follow them many years later.

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