Monday, April 1, 2013

Week 5 Reflection - EDLD 5326 School Community Relations

Time is flying!  I can't believe I have been in the Lamar M.Ed Educational Technology Leadership program for one year.  I am completing my 8th class and only have 4 to go before the degree is mine!

The project has been slow.  I was quite surprised with the number of teachers that I asked to participate that said no because they didn’t have time.  That reaction changed the number of participants and obviously will not produce the results I was expecting due to the number of actual students involved.   This project is still ongoing and I plan on stopping it mid-May allowing me time to calculate my findings and prepare my reflection. 

I have not been surprised by the responses from the students involved in the study.  I proposed that students would be more engaged in their learning and the class with the use of BYOD and so far their responses to surveys have proven that to be the case.

I have found that with the implementation of iPads within our district, although they are not 1:1 yet, that teachers are using them in place of BYOD.  I think there are two reasons for this.  First, teachers can obtain and have for their use enough iPads so that there is one iPad for every 2 students.  For most classes that will give more students access to devices than it would if teachers were using BYOD.  Secondly, teachers want to use the iPads because next year from grade 7 to 12 we will be 1:1 and teachers want to be comfortable using them in class.

Over all I am comfortable with how well things have progressed and the schedule looks like I will be able to end in a timely manner and hopefully the teachers satisfied.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

EDLD 5326 School-Community Relations

In addition to preparing my plan for my project part of the assignment this week was to prepare a presentation to stakeholders.