Monday, November 26, 2012

EDLD5363 Multimedia Video Technology Week 1

The assignment for Week 1 of EDLD5363 Multimedia Video Technology was to creat a personal video.  I know for some this may be difficult for some but not for me.  I hope this video will not only meet the requirements for this class but serve as an inspiration for parents that may be beginning the journey of CHD.  For those not familiar with Congenital Heart Defects  it is the number one birth defect affecting one out of every 100 children born. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

EDLD5362 Informational Systems Management Week 4

This week in EDLD5362 we were required to write a paper on the classroom of the future.  I have attached the paper to this blog.

Please click <here> to view the paper.
